JariahxSynn90: How do i install the pics that came with the gog versions of BG1 & 2?
peteatoms: Go to your account settings page (
click here) and in the almost upper left corner of the page you should see a little gray dialogue box that says "CHANGE PICTURE". A box will pop up and ask you for the filepath to the picture you want to use. Hope that helps, I'm not exactly sure what you were asking, sorry if I interpreted the question wrongly :p
Oh. . . if you meant install them to use as portraits within your game, I'm not sure it will work very well. The avatars seem to be square 150x150 pixels.
Portraits in BGII, for example, need to be 38x60 (small) and 110x170 (large). I guess you could try cropping/resizing, but it might look a little distorted or stretched out.
If you come across a .bmp you want to use that is the correct dimensions, navigate to the directory your game installed to and put them in the Portraits folder :)
For me, it happens to be "C:\Program Files\GOG.com\Baldurs Gate II\portraits"
I'm on XP, it may differ for newer OS's I think.
I already knew how to change my profile pic :P I was asking though about using the pics in my BG games. Thanks by the way I appreciate it :)