Posted December 15, 2020
there is only 1 romance option 4 V in each gender and orientation -other romance must be in another sex orientaition or none. Dispite fact that it is not impressive nuber of posisibilities it's not match with world rule. Couse if in creating V we can mix genders orientatio and it;s fluid evidently in cyberpunk world why for a very few romancig characters V gender is the base parameter to letting V involve in romance? Unblock romancing posiibility fo all characters despite gender - it; silly limitation in 2077 world - romance limits coneceted with story line like in witcher - betwen triss and tennefer -it's logical and satisfacrtioning, There is no such thing in Cyberpunk 2077 the romace backraund is boring - V can be in romance with 1 person (if v have gender preferention) or none, so the simplest way shold be unblock gender limitations in romances or add 2 additional male and female romancing characters witch will be bisexual - to give V real option's and fun . Without it oll story line it's to heavy to dramatic and egzystatnial - it discourage to back to V personal world.