tryggvienator: Hello everyone.
My name is Tryggvi Hákonarson and I'm the main developer and programmer for the game Ceres.
Its nice to see Ceres attract attention!
If you have any question regarding the game, please don't hesitate to ask.
FYI we are currently aiming for a release in April 2015.
mc_leod: Welcome onboard, so as you already visit this great community:
Any ideas to have Ceres available at GOG? ;-)
As shown on the homepage Ceres is actualy a two man show - in any need for additional artists, testers
(i dont ask for myself, just hint there could be help in this vast, friendly GOGverse)?
And is there a rough estimation "when its done"?
We have just recently added a new 3D artist to the game and we are in the process of getting another programmer.
We've just had a few testers recently run through the demo version, hunting down bugs, so we are not currently looking for adding people to add to the team.
The game is reaching a feature freeze phase of development, so any additional development will be spent on content, as well as bug hunting.
We are aiming for a release in April 2015.