tinyE: 'Screamers' wasn't a bad movie. It wasn't great but it had some cool stuff in it.
I don't think I have seen that..
Leroux: Screamers were my preferred diet in Dungeon Master. Such tasty slices of screamers, they always looked so appetizing, like melons or something!
This sounds familiar, and yes, they were good food I thinkz..(free pickups)..but still I think create food
solves alot, and the magic hammers (thrown) n dual fashion created great (x8) artillery..
- thinks went in with x4 clerics..
- hands iscream..there there..- pats on head -
pimpmonkey2382.313: I like screamers.
- still hasn't seen..will google though..
And now for the main part of this post...
- (just bought another combo pack and + 5 sales products..)
It's mixed blessing though...wallet pain + software happeh...
(the wallet pain weighs some against the software happeh..but not that much.. <3's sales..)