Darkul81: You're probably right - I thought it might be a problem with overscan/underscan because my actual resolution is 4096x2160 but I run 3840x2160 in 16x9. I've also had wierd issues where it keeps reseting to 59HZ and 60HZ back and forth and one time it was at 30HZ.
I'm pretty tech savvy - I built my computer and have never had a problem servicing it or fixing it myself. Software is a little tougher for me than hardware but I figure pretty much anything out.
So if you have a solution, shoot. It will be much appreciated, believe me.
Goodaltgamer: Good ;)
So, what you need to do is to find the two inf files corresponding to your 2 devices, so your monitor and the GPU.
As I am working with W8.1 you might have to find it in a slightly different place ;)
Go to device manager and select your GPU -> properties, now you shall see a tab labelled details, in there you have to get the inf-column that will tell you the name of the inf-file being used. take a note of it ;)
Next do the same for the monitor.
Now open an explorer and go to like C:\Windows\Inf
check for those two files and juuuust in case make a backup ;)
The easiest way would be modifying your monitor-inf file.
Now it depends a bit what you see there.
so in the moment I can only give general advice:
You shall see something like:
maybe a few times with different resolutions.....depends on the producer ;)
the interesting part is here:
the first numbers, ok no more info needed I guess ;)
the 'second' or last part whatever you want to call it ;) is about the supported frequencies. This together with the other inf file determines what you can use, it works like a mask.
If you are tech-savy enough, you can try to alter those figures, best go with the monitor inf, not the GPU one. But make sure you stay wihtin the limits....
There is also like here:
standard ones available, but like this one you could use ANY setting and that could be a problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the file only goes till 2048, so still needed to be modified ;)
Oh for the numbers, little while ago that I modified, so IIRC!!!, the first is the horizontal and the second one vertical. yeah don't ask still like in the good old days of CRT :D (actually I think it might be the other way round.....with the CRTs it was easier to tell...:D)
But if you use the same numbers as for working resolutions, shall be no problem.
And as usual disclaimer: No warranty provided on your own risk ;)
Afterwards, reinstall the monitor and you shall already see the new values. And yes I had a few times that monitor/GPU combination did not have the right values.....
Another tip, if you do have multiple max modes, you could just try with removing all but the highest, same for only leaving the Addreg modes entry....minimizes risks ;)
And for the problem you are mentioning, yes....stupid windows and a slight 'bad' cable, getting a bit interference and forces to resync....
And a little tip for the forum, do not use post message use the reply button, this way I would have seen that you replied to me and I could have told you earlier ;)
EDIT: O man....quite a long reply sorry ;)
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/display/monitor-inf-file-sections a wee bit of useful information about the inf-files in general ;)
EDIT3: Or you could also send me a message via the chat option (hover over my name and click start conversation (can't do for you as default
https://www.gog.com/account/settings/privacy is friends only ;) ) you can set it to anyone or friends at any time) Just be warned....not so much longer and I will go to bed :P
Okay, this is complicated.
I found the files but couldn't find what you were talking about anywhere in them (I did a ctrl f search).
Here they are...maybe you can make more sense of them (if you have a moment). My computer is extremely clean btw.