Mustachioed Business: I can't handle the secondhand embarrassment from all the whiny aspie hypocrites that didn't do this to Squeenix over Mankind Divided. Or the Avengers game. And both of those games are STILL hot trash I'm angry at the developers for...
GoG itself still doesn't support simple copying and pasting of text. I feel like I'm using Netscape '97 sometimes. Gamers have become broken, entitled babies and devs are lazy slacking hacks who cry about "crunching" in the final week beofre release when most adults are "crunched" every day at work. Oh, but wah-hwah, I'm special and I have issues and I want work to be like paly. Boo-hoo. This whole debacle makes everyone who caused it or is complaining about look like a spoiled kid.
Yeah the Developers on "Division of The Unkind Publisher" secretly stated to a few reviewers that the publisher was demanding after the fact and had them remove content and fit in that absurd Mobil App link thing, That game had areas that were clearly boarded off and in certain modes you could see the items inside buildings and such from the other sides of walls, SE are some pathetic publishers avoid like the plague.
Can't blame the devs for decisions made by those above them they're only doing what they're told to do it's not a free for all they have to give the idiots in charge what they want.