Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together (PSP)
My favourite PSP game played so far, probably because it's not a downscaled PS2 game like the others I've played, though it is a remake of a PS1 game. This is an Isometric turn based strategy game made by Square, and is the direct inspiration for the Final Fantasy: Tactics series, which I am also a big fan of. The game has a branching storyline split between 4 chapters, at the end of each chapter you are usually faced with a decision which will alter what events you will come across in the following chapter. My first ending... was a disappointment, which was down to one poor decision, however, once you complete the story for the first time you unlock the ability to travel back in time to previous points in the story to change the future (I may spend the next few weeks trying to unlock every choice). The story see's you star as a soldier, part of the Wallister resistance, a small group aiming for equality in a severely fragmented kingdom, there are numerous betrayals and many tough decisions to be made, that will determine your kingdoms fate. Gameplay is similar to any Isometric Strategy game (Disgaea etc) each unit moves one at a time, in an order that depends on speed and actions taken in previous turns. Each unit is an individual, permadeath is a thing in this game, fortunately once a unit dies you have 3 turns to either revive it or complete the mission, and even then the unit is allowed to die 2 more times before permently dying. Units have different classes (Warrior, Ranger, Mage) that have their own advantages, Dragoon has fairly weak attack against human units, but can deal massive damage to dragons. The levelling up system is fairly different to most other games, you don't level up individual characters, you level up the classes, so if you level up a mage, all mages level up, however individual units gain skill points in battle that they can spend on individual skills to increase their damage or resistance to certain attacks.
This is a brilliant game, I know Final Fantasy: Tactics is basically the spiritual sequel, but this game often feels like the sequel instead, FF:T seems less polished, with unfairly balanced classes and horrendously difficult missions, whereas the only real issue is the levelling up system, which in my opinion isn't the best and means if you want to change a units class, you bring them back to level 1, and grinding is slow and hard. Other issues are some ridiculous events in the story (In one chapter you retake the same fortress 3 times, because each time you forget to leave it defended afterwards) and the abuse of the petrify spell by enemies late game (You can only cure one at a time but enemies can petrify 5 of you at a time). However those issues are minor, and this is an absolutely brilliant game, and one of the only reasons I got a PSP in the first place, I would highly recommend it.