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Just something I thought of:

What games are out there that have elements generally associated with the RPG genre, but do not have RPG-style characer growth?

In particular, games where you get stronger by leveling up are specifically excluded from this topic.

So what games would fit this description?
dtgreene: Just something I thought of:

What games are out there that have elements generally associated with the RPG genre, but do not have RPG-style characer growth?

In particular, games where you get stronger by leveling up are specifically excluded from this topic.

So what games would fit this description?
What other rpg elements besides character growth do you mean?
dtgreene: Just something I thought of:

What games are out there that have elements generally associated with the RPG genre, but do not have RPG-style characer growth?

In particular, games where you get stronger by leveling up are specifically excluded from this topic.

So what games would fit this description?
misteryo: What other rpg elements besides character growth do you mean?
Well, what do you think of when you see RPG?
dtgreene: Well, what do you think of when you see RPG?
Character growth ! :p
On an all new This Is Us.
Monster Hunter.

Your character acquires new gear from hunting monsters which increases damage dealt and damage absorbed, but your character never gets stronger. Also, you have to craft to gain health, stamina and status boosts and bonuses that are all time limited. You increase bonuses by acquiring new materials found in new areas and making more potent meals and potions and pills.
Why would dtgreene open a new thread asking the same thing?
high rated
direspirefirewire: Why would dtgreene open a new thread asking the same thing?
Because dtgreene has no growth system.
direspirefirewire: Why would dtgreene open a new thread asking the same thing?
misteryo: Because dtgreene has no growth system.
I so wish I could "+" your post more than once.
Strife has RPG elements but no growth.
Pokemon is a textbook JRPG, but your character never grows. Of course, your Pokemon level up and all that, but not the trainer. You can make a team reset at any time and you wouldn't benefit from any previous stat changes.
How about the digital versions of the Fighting Fantasy books?

Edit: Dammit, can't we start a thread about RPGs without some jerk spurting transphobia?
Post edited June 21, 2018 by KasperHviid
STALKER I've often heard described as an rpg without leveling, or something to that effect. You get gradually (emphasis on gradually) better gear (mostly weapons, armour and artifacts) as opposed to the typical first person shooter where you unlock 10 or so weapons as you progress through the game. I suppose you can say that in a typical first person shooter you get stronger in 'jumps' at discrete intervals, whereas in STALKER your improvement is far more continuous.
This is just going to devolve into a debate on what constitutes an RPG, and we're pretty well aware by now that dtgreene's definition is far narrower than most people.