Found the solution! Whoo hoo! Got it!
It's real easy to fix. It has a lot to do with the hidden games staying hidden, and that the games that aren't hidden are still not hidden. That part still works. Flawlessly!
So, this is what to do about the list of games showing up randomly.
Sorting your library of games by clicking a button is not the point-and-click adventure you are looking for.
Play a game. Any game. Specifically: STOP STARIGN AT TEH capin' LIST!!!1!!!1
-----END SOLUTION-----
The games wouldn't be there if you didn't like them. They'd be in the hidden section. Therefore, any game will be fine. Just pick one and play it. Or else, choose to hide it and get it out of the way of the games worth playing.
Spoiler ahead! WARNING! Spoiler!
Within a month GOG will make the list be sortable again instead of randomized. I'm not saying which month that will be, but it definitely will be in a month when it happens. That's just a consequence of using a calendar that has months in it.
-----END SPOILER-----
In the mean time, play a game already! Why else did you buy 'em?!
The games are completely digital, and so they aren't going to become more valuable like antiques by not opening them. Maybe not. Okay, I don't know that for sure. I've yet to find documentation on that.
Oh, but if by chance you happen to end up hiding all your games, then clicking a button to randomly sort your hidden games might be the point-n-click adventure you are looking for. I'm pretty sure that was in the
Terms of Service somewhere. (If you don't find something about that in there, then please try again. Please.)