TheMonkofDestiny: It's basically them shifting their verified user status over to something similar to that of Twitter's verified status. Previously with YouTube, anyone regardless of whether they were actively uploading content to their channel or not, could become "verified" there. All this does is pull that verification away from people like that and make it more difficult for those wanting it to obtain it (i.e. if you desire that status, then you must effectively "matter" according to the guidelines YouTube has chiseled into the digital slate).
(edit to elaborate slightly)
This is probably to cut back on people blatantly abusing the system as it was. No doubt some people took advantage and grabbed verified status on a channel under the name "Jank Jim's Gaming Junkyard" or something and then likely deliberately changed the name of their channel to a more recognizable brand to try and con people out of things (let's say the common thing of game keys). This way, you'll still see inevitable "IGN" but... not "IGN" channels, but if it's not bearing the verified status (I believe it's a black check mark near the channel name) then it's likely not the genuine article.
The You Tube subject heading, and especially the subject picture must be different to the content right? That's a YouTube standard rule.
So, If this topic was on YouTube, you would be talking about how to make money online, or lose weight, anything *other than* the subject heading!