Almak: Couldn't disagree more about the graphics. Though I don't think they are significantly better than AC1 (which says more about graphical quality of AC1 more than anything else) they did improve on the atmosphere and the architecture...oh the architecture!
I'm on my second playthrough now and the game still manages to keep me entertained. The gameplay is just fun.
In summary this simply is everything AC1 failed to be. A broader deeper, more involved game that even (or may be especially) the people who didn't like AC1 should try. This is definitely what the series was intended to be like from the very start.
TheCheese33: Oh yeah, head an shoulders, it's a better game, and the design looks better as well. I just didn't like what they did with the characters this time around. The characters in the real world look more caricatured, which really made me feel weird when they showed a clip from the first game and then went to the new title, where the girl looks completely different.
Overall, though, it is 10X better than the first title, and I'm excited to see where it will go in the eventual sequel.
Oh yeah the character models and especially character animation are pretty sub-par. Such a shame too, especially when everything else is so awesome.
I am very excited about the sequel too. There are some very exciting things they can do with the story, seeing how it ended.
bansama: I am considering getting this when it's released here for the PS3. I have the first one in Japanese for the PS3 and English for the PC, and might be tempted to the do same again. As long as Ubisoft are stiffing us in terms of pricing.
Absolutely do
not get this for the PS3. I've been hearing nothing but bad things about that version. Severe screen tearing and character pop-in as well as significant FPS dips. If its an option, wait for the PC version instead.