Hi, I'm PCGameGuy and I am a gameaholic, (Hi PCGameGuy!)
I had the physical media thing for decades and finally kicked it only to now have a 3TB drive full of digital ones. :P
Can't pass a sale? Yup.
Shopping for depression/dopamine? Yup.
over 50% of collection is unplayed? Yup.
Bought games when I couldn't afford it? Yup.
Had the same problem with DVDs? Yup.
Bought the same movie/game more than once? Yup.
My favorite is when I buy a duplicate copy of something I have not played or watched at all and probably won't ever get too. I have sold unopened games and DVDs due to this. I think I am with the 'at least I'm not smoking crack' crowd as to how I look at my addiction issue. It is only money after all, and I do try to buy only games from companies I want to see succeed so at least what money I do spend goes to keep people I respect employed.
Of late I have lost my career so I am not spending as much, but it has not stopped completely amazingly enough. As a side effect, I now have free time to actually play some of the games. I have been trying to go through the 360 games first though, since it is in the main room and TV time is now more open as I am the only one home all day.
It is funny, I cleared out my game collection and hardware collection a few years ago, and now I have a massive digital one. Funny how that shit always sneaks back up on you, isn't it?