gemgamer: I created a windows batch script that will do this, and can be bundled into an EXE. Hosted on Github Gist gist[dot]github[dot]com/maxwellainatchi/794d22c2c24f98d5dc8e6abc7ccc8a92 (it won't let me post links because I haven't posted here before). I didn't provide the exe itself because of security concerns, but I provided instructions on the gist. If there's interest, I can try to do the same for Mac or Linux
Neat! The .bat worked as advertised. Thank you.
I placed also the bat in a %PATH% folder and created a desktop shortcut. This way I can change the icon to whatever I like.
And since it is with SQL commands, it probably wouldn't be impossible to make a UI where you could have some settings that trigger different queries so you can do some filtering. I don't know how to do that myself since I don't know SQL, but I guess you can add AND arguments somewhere in the statement variable. Something like "from libraryreleases order by random() and installedonly() limit 1;" -- anyway, really cool script. Don't take this suggestion as a demand for more. I am just throwing ideas out there in case you want to expand this project.