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Hi all,
Since I updated Galaxy to 2.038 beta version, the game "Tex Murphy : Under a killing moon" won't launch anymore.
Is it possible to rollback to a previous version of Galaxy ?
I found topics about rolling back to version 1.x.x but I want to stay in version 2 and rollback to a previous version.
Is there a link where I can find older versions ?

I cannot launch games that use arguments like League of Legends anymore since that update so I'm looking for a way to rollback too.
Any game involving command line arguments are broken under Galaxy indeed. This is, specially those which run under DOSBOX or ScummVM.
Indeed something very wrong happened in the last update. I already opened a ticket, I urge you do it as well to make the glitch visible and corrected as fast as possible.
I was lucky and did not receive that update yet (maybe I should find a way to prevent it). Once again GOG shows how much they test things before they release them to your customers and no, there is no way to rollback to previous Galaxy versions.

Also nor surprising: not a single GOG dev found the way into this thread. GOG communication as usually.
Post edited July 15, 2021 by MarkoH01
I want to echo what everyone else is saying here also. I just updated to GOG Galaxy and none of my DOSbox games are launching now.
Gudadantza: Any game involving command line arguments are broken under Galaxy indeed. This is, specially those which run under DOSBOX or ScummVM.
I found a workaround, when I start the game from Graphic Mode Setup, it works !
Post edited July 15, 2021 by AnnibaleHexe
Correct, all games which uses VM such as ScummVM or DOSBox are broken as long as you are start the game over the "Play-Button of the GOG Galaxy Client :-(. Not so good, because of the cloud saves function.

DOSBox-Games can be started with the GOG Galaxy Client over the "Graphic Mode Setup"-Tool. This still seems to work.
Post edited July 15, 2021 by SwordCoast17
Gudadantza: Any game involving command line arguments are broken under Galaxy indeed. This is, specially those which run under DOSBOX or ScummVM.
AnnibaleHexe: I found a workaround, when I start the game from Graphic Mode Setup, it works !
If you are urged to run the game via Galaxy, It is a partially valid workaround. Strangelly some of the games do not run even from the Graphic Setup, and others do not have that option under Galaxy, for example the newests Ziggurat Interactive ones, they changed the routes and options in how their games are packed with Dosbox.

But well, for the rest seems to work.

Personally until it is fixed is not a great deal for me run the game without cloud saves directly from the game folder. At least we have flexibility
Anyway I have observed that in the DOSBOX games because it is partially launched and stopping in the Z:\ DOS screen, the cloud sync apparently DO work. At least i see the sync bar working under galaxy. Not tested if it works correctly though.
So another workarond (for the cloud saves) could be trying to launch it via Galaxy, exit and see if it synced, and then run it from the game folder.

Post edited July 15, 2021 by Gudadantza
New update (2.0.39) which fix the issue !
I can confirm that the hotfix made everything back to normal. I'm glad they reacted so fast
AnnibaleHexe: New update (2.0.39) which fix the issue !
Hotfix did NOT fix the issue. Client does not show info for games where you have multiple/different versions and tabs behave irregularly still. This update is a total mess and they have to let us rollback.
AnnibaleHexe: New update (2.0.39) which fix the issue !
Fathom216: Hotfix did NOT fix the issue. Client does not show info for games where you have multiple/different versions and tabs behave irregularly still. This update is a total mess and they have to let us rollback.
Tabs no longer exist. I'm getting the games I currently have installed (with duplicates showing as "unknown", despite their info still being there in all the about tabs, including my custom boxart), but I can't see any other games, from Steam, GOG, or any of the other integrated launchers.

It's annoying to say the least.
Fathom216: Hotfix did NOT fix the issue. Client does not show info for games where you have multiple/different versions and tabs behave irregularly still. This update is a total mess and they have to let us rollback.
kud13: Tabs no longer exist. I'm getting the games I currently have installed (with duplicates showing as "unknown", despite their info still being there in all the about tabs, including my custom boxart), but I can't see any other games, from Steam, GOG, or any of the other integrated launchers.

It's annoying to say the least.
I just had to get this update manually by redownloading the installer and install it into the same directory and I was trying to see if it says "unknown game" for me as well whenever I have multiple versions of a game (different platforms) and that is not the case. I check my install tab, click on a game I own on multiple platform and select the number and so far it seems to work (see attachment). Did I misunderstand your description of the bug?

Still not working is hiding and tagging per platform but obviously this basic feature is tro hard to implement for those "professionals" on GOG - even though it is a basic feature that simply corrects the bug that filters are ignored whenever you assign a tag or hide a game. I still wonder why I should use a client that is UNABLE to do what I am able to do with multiple clients. Galaxy team is ignoring my request for YEARS!
mm.jpg (280 Kb)
Post edited July 16, 2021 by MarkoH01