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I'd like just to point out that arm-wrestling and fist-fight minigames rewards are really really bugged.

Let's have a look, using Vergen's ones as examples:

Fist Fight

1) When you lose a fistfight... you DON'T LOSE nothing, no matter how much orens you have betted, simpy you can't lose money fist-fighting.
2) When you win, you win the double of what you betted (your bet + challenger's bet), fair. You bet 35 and you win 70. There's only a problem, when you BET, no orens are really removed from you wealthy poket. So, you just win PLAIN 70 orens. It don't work this way guys...really...see dice poker, when you bet, orens are subtracted in real-time...if you win, you get them back plus the challenger's bet, if you lose, you lose them.

1) Strangely, if you lose and bet , for example, 35, you will lose 40. You lose five more than than you bet.
2) When you win you have the SAME problem of armwrestling, your bet it's not currently taken away from your pouch.
3) You will se a message saying you gain XX orens, then you suddendly see another one saying you gain 10 orens and if you check your pocket you notice you get XX+5's a REAL nonsense.

I'm not whining, at the end It's just a script related problem i think, but i really don't see the point of fixing infinite quest reward (just like Bartholomew Bargee part exp/oren exploit) or just have the merchant skin you alive when buying / selling if you could get much more money than you are intended with bugged minigames...
I think that in W2 should be REALLY hard to get money (for story reasons, Geralt is a freaky mutant and merchant just try to "rob" him everytime, to force you to be careful choosing what to buy etc etc).

I totally agree and think they are all very legitimate points. If CDP ever gets the time to fix these things, they totally should.
I noticed them too and was especially puzzled by your third point.
Thank you! I always am reminded of this as I'm playing, and I always forget to write a report for it. I never had the chance to verify this when it comes to fist-fighting, but I know for a fact that the betting does not work as it should for arm-wrestling. I'm just replying here to second your report. :)
This not mention losing a dice poker game and having the best hand. I have had a Full House 4's over 2's and the other guy a Full House with 3's over 4's and lost. This happens more often than you might think if you take the time to study the hands at the end of the round.
I'm a pretty good draw poker player in RL and my money's on the IG poker being rigged or sporked.
I'll just add an old report from 1.1/1.2 (seems that people have not liked it :p)

- In "Malena" quest the guard's captain after you explored the cave, if you lie and tell him his comrades was slain by monster, tells you've earned your reward, tend his hands to you but no orens are added.

- In "Little Sisters" quest, Maverick give you the money for helping him defeating the ghosts but no orens are added

- In "Blood Curse" when the relic seller ask you orens for the info on the spear head, if you give him the money, no orens are lost from your inventory

- In the "Fight Club" quest you receive no orens from your "coach" king Ziggy, it's supposed he give you something.

Could someone confirm this with the actual patch?