ObiWanKejoshi: I already sent 2 mails to the TW2 support, but so far i got only the standard "turn your brain on" reply, maybe someone here has an idea:
When i try to Launch the game i get stuck in the Medallion-icon. The process does not really stop working (according to taskmanager the process still responds), but it simply does not start the game.
I own the version.
I already tried:
- running the patcher.exe: gives this Error: "Critical error: Installed game version is invalid or incomplete".
- running the Patch from (same error)
- running the international patch from (same error)
- updating DirectX (not possible, since the newest version is installed)
- reinstalling Microsoft Visuals C++ 2005/08/10 x64 Redistributable
- updationg video card drivers
- reinstalling the game several times (always passes the file integrity check successfully)
- tried running the game in windowed mode and/or low resolutions
- turning off all settings in the CCC
- made sure "My Documents" is in the default location
- closing any Anti-Virus/-malware software, Firewalls, Windows Defender, UAC, etc. when installing any of those mentioned above.
My current system:
Game Version number: 1.0 ( release version)
Operating system: Windows 7 (64-bit)
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X3 740 Processor (3 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
RAM memory: 4096MB
Video card: ATI Radeon HD 5770 1024MB GDDR5
Version of video card drivers: 8.850.6.0
Sound card: Realtek High Definition Audio (onboard)
Version of sound card drivers: 6.00.0001.6083
(i did not mess around with any files or install any DLC etc, and no patches since it does not work)
You cannot have the game launcher running when you try to install the patch.
Since your issue may be different than others here, I would uninstall the game, remove the leftover folders (in the c:\Program Files\gog directory) and re-install the game. It will auto-patch up to 1.1 when you do that.