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BlazeKING: Well now we know why he has 360 in his name :)

What more can ya's a job and its a consolized game so they hired a PR console gamer. Makes sense to me. The question is..will they make PC games in the future or throw us under the bus???
I think they will switch to console only games. And if only to piss off all these pc gamers who are constantly nagging about TW2 being dumbed down due to the consoles. It's really getting old, and repeating the baseless accusations again and again isn't helping either...
Post edited July 31, 2011 by GODzillaGSPB
BlazeKING: Well now we know why he has 360 in his name :)

What more can ya's a job and its a consolized game so they hired a PR console gamer. Makes sense to me. The question is..will they make PC games in the future or throw us under the bus???
Yeah, sure, they will just abandon at least 1 million of their potential customers (probably even more after TW2) that bought the game on PC. Yeah, as a company they can surely afford it, casue they sh1t with $$$.
227: Okay, combat was good. A bit simplistic, but I'll admit that it was fun.

But what about the story was good in any way, shape, or form? The whole time I was picturing a five year-old writing the plot off the top of his head. The whole Chopin/music angle could have been amazing, but it was so underutilized that it might as well had not been there, and any minor plot development led to Beat and others repeating what you just saw multiple times. It was patronizing, and even worse, nothing particularly profound happened in the entire game to warrant such explanation. I mean, there were sections where I could tell it was trying to be profound, but the voice acting, script, and plot were just so distractingly bad that nothing ever stuck.
I understand where you're coming from - I guess I was just at a mental state where it didn't ruin it for me. Again, the things you complain about are a lot better in the improved PS3 version, but they're still not great, of course. I doubt you'd suddenly start loving it if you tried it out. :P The combat system is a bit lacklustre until you unlock the final 'version' of it, with the way the special attacks work, and how you can chain them together. A ton of fun, especially if a friend of yours is also playing. I really like the use of timed hits and dodges and counter-attacks. These things really do a lot to make the usually quite static combat of a JRPG feel much more dynamic and rewarding.

Ultimately, I do agree with you; they could have utilized the whole Chopin theme better. In the improved script of the PS3 version, it is somewhat better utilized, as well, but it's still not enough. I mean, with the new translation, I did start to notice several more 'profound' references and themes, that I had not noticed before... but all in all, it should've had a larger presence all throughout the game. I do love how the whole ending scenario and final cutscene(s) play out in the PS3 version - it finally started making sense to me, and I did find the whole thing quite beautiful and powerful.

soldiergeralt: that game itself looks ugly and retarded. looks like it was designed for children so what do you expect?
Oh, please. The aesthetics of a game come down entirely to personal taste and preference. I for one love the cel-shaded art style they use in the game. Together with the combat and music, the graphics are one of the absolute strong points when I look back at the game. Aesthetically creative game graphics don't look dated nearly as quickly as 'realistic' graphics do, as well. Anyway, personal taste. Can't say a game is crap just because you did not appreciate the art style. The most juvenile thing you can say is that it 'looks to be designed for children.' Gods, if that how you're dismissing games, you've missed out on a lot of gems, I can tell you that much.

dnna: It looks like something that could be interesting if it were in Japanese with English subtitles, so you could pretend the silly lines are just awkward fan translation. The VAs ruin it completely, with cheesy dialogue and all. I hate those high-pitched girly voices so much, everyone who managed to play it for more than 10 minutes is a hero in my book.
The version(s) I played allowed me to choose the language spoken (EU version for 360, US version for PS3).
Post edited July 31, 2011 by Kindo
I don't understand why many console ports are looked down upon. Functional control schemes can be created for almost every single game for any platform (good luck playing RTS with a controller and fighting games with a keyboard).

There were a lot of complaints between Morrowind and Oblivion but Morrowind would work perfectly with a controller. The problem is instead that every game genre is dumbed down and streamlined for all platforms. I haven't found better gameplay in a new game I've bought for ages and therefore still sit down to play my roguelikes in wait of a proper dungeon crawler.

My point is that TW1 would work just as well for consoles as for the PC and TW2 *should* work just as well for both.

Off-topic: I love Eternal Sonata. I find it one of the better JRPGs in the last decade. Yes, I'd rather re-watch all seasons of Sailor Moon than go through a single cutscene in ES. It's that horrible. But why play a generic JRPG, where you can guess what will happen in every scene, for its story when you can play one of the great classic CRPGs or just read a good fantasy book? The main thing JRPGs succeed in are their battle systems, which is also the only reason I play them. The best experience I had in ES is playing 2-3 players on New Game+ with Party Level 6 from the beginning and skipping every cutscene.

This comes from a person who also loves Cross Edge (I love the game and even I would say it's the worst game ever made) which makes my rose-tinted glasses an abomination of sanity.
I own SSF4:AE, and its a game that puts to shame all the shoddy ports we see nowadays. It's wonderfully stable, has a ton of features...hell, I can even adjust the hud. It's not lacking in any way as a port for the pc, and yet Capcom is a console first company if there ever was one.

As for Marcin not playing the games, well, I think he should. As community manager it seems like knowing the game you represent inside and out should be a priority. However, he's clearly an avid gamer to begin with, very courteous, and he's put up with my constant ribbing.
Kindo: I understand where you're coming from - I guess I was just at a mental state where it didn't ruin it for me.
That's probably what it comes down to in the end--what you're expecting and what you're in a mental state to accept. I was expecting something incredible because it was sold to me as something incredible (I will find that salesman and hurt him, someday), and what I found wasn't anything I was in a place to appreciate. Some games are so "cute" that they should carry a warning sticker.

Xzaril: The best experience I had in ES is playing 2-3 players on New Game+ with Party Level 6 from the beginning and skipping every cutscene.
I could see that being the case for most people. Combat is pretty good, enough so that I still remember some of the combos I used. Viola kicked ass. Also, +1 because that Sailor Moon comment actually made me laugh out loud :)

scampywiak: As for Marcin not playing the games, well, I think he should. As community manager it seems like knowing the game you represent inside and out should be a priority. However, he's clearly an avid gamer to begin with, very courteous, and he's put up with my constant ribbing.
Scampy likes Marcin. Scampy is evil. Therefore, according to the transitive property, Marcin is evil.

Would it really matter if he hadn't played the game? He's not here for tech support or to help us solve quests, so it doesn't really seem necessary to have any kind of knowledge concerning the game. I'm struggling trying to come up with any kind of scenario where a lack of knowledge concerning the game would keep him from being able to effectively do his job.
Is he basically just a moderator then?
scampywiak: Is he basically just a moderator then?
I looked it up and it looks like the job of community manager is an ambassadorship to customers, mixed with the bodyguard duty of protecting the company's message and providing a channel between that company and the fans. So... cutting through the business jargon, I got the impression that the job is part propagandist, part visiting dignitary, and part people person.

He can correct me if that's wrong, of course, but I have five minutes of Googling on my side. I don't think any kind of moderation is in his job description, though. Seems to be more of a regulator of the message than an enforcer.
227: Would it really matter if he hadn't played the game? He's not here for tech support or to help us solve quests, so it doesn't really seem necessary to have any kind of knowledge concerning the game. I'm struggling trying to come up with any kind of scenario where a lack of knowledge concerning the game would keep him from being able to effectively do his job.
I've asked a question above, yet no one answered it. meh
scampywiak: Is he basically just a moderator then?
There are Moderators here?
Well at the very least Marcin can be Console pr guy, since the majority of his experience with gaming seems to be with the funbox. Maybe they can get a bonafide pc gamer to interact with the community here, people who actually play on the pc.
scampywiak: Well at the very least Marcin can be Console pr guy, since the majority of his experience with gaming seems to be with the funbox. Maybe they can get a bonafide pc gamer to interact with the community here, people who actually play on the pc.
LoL U Mad?

The name of the forum is "The Witcher 2" not "The Witcher 2 for PC ONLY".

And just because he has console games logged on a silly site doesn't make him less worthy or helpful on this forum, I remeber him being helpful to this community quite a few times.

To be honest a topic where people reading the forum publically talk about another person reading this forum giving judgements and opinions on him feels a little weird to me.
Who is the community now? It's PC. He seems more interested in the funbox than PC games, to say the least. That's ok. Maybe CDPR is more interested in the fun box than they are the PC. More power to them...I guess. Just come right out and say it.
Post edited July 31, 2011 by scampywiak
I don't see how his personal gaming preference has anything to do with his job. He's been doing it well so far, so what's the problem?

edit: okay, look - Xfire logs PC games only. ->
Post edited July 31, 2011 by dnna
dnna: edit: okay, look - Xfire logs PC games only. ->
Now, THAT is interesting. :D

And here we see how Marcin isn't even able to play TW2: he doesn't meet the minumum requirements, lol.
And it seems to be hard to hold his interest for more than an hour. ;)
And he is quite the exhibitionist - I don't think I would volunteer all that info about me on the interwebs. :)
Post edited July 31, 2011 by AudreyWinter