Posted July 19, 2011
What really bugged me about this game is that it kinda felt short. After 50+ hours of the first part, I ended up with maybe 25-30 hours of the sequel, which seemed a lot shorter than the first part. I know that there are 16 endings, but I believe that is not what the game should mainly offer. If you ask me, I'd rather have two endings, have fun with the length of the game, than have 16 short endings. I'm not much of a replay person, not even for this game. I dislike doing things the other way, just so that I could see what happens. When I choose something in the game, I don't choose it because I want something to happen, but because that fits me more than the other options. Doing it the other way, disperses the story you can really get into, and the game becomes boring - the only thing pushing you is finishing it. So I really hope so that the third part (if there is going to be one), has more length than endings.