I think one point in this Console / PC discussion all the time is easily forgotten:
One could say that the XBOX 360 IS A PC, and uses DX9 as well.
So just because a game works on both systems doesn't necessarily mean huge disadvantages for the PC version technical wise.
Mostly you just have to adjust the configuration of the engine and use a different compiler and different libraries but most of the source code stays the same. So do the models, the textures, the sounds. Some models are polygon reduced, some textures get scaled down for the XBOX version, but that does no harm to the PC version whatsoever.
A good GUI and good Controls should be playable with as few visible information and as few buttons as possible!
So just because a game is game-pad compatible, or uses large fonts in its GUI doesn't make it a bad / dumped down game. It's true the other way round. Good controls shouldn't involve pressing 10 keys at once.
It's not the amount of buttons / keys that counts, its the mechanic, the gameplay. This again, has little to nothing to do with the system the game runs on.
It's not the system, it's always the game developers choice.
Don't like a feature? Blame the developer. Engine doesn't run smooth? Blame the developer.
But please stop blaming it on that the game is supposed to run on another system in the future.