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I never have a wishlist longer than 0-5 games but my backlog is full of 'dead bodies': games I'll never play.
I actually don't have a wishlist, I just work things out as I go.
BreOl72: ...
Uh... Congratulations..?
I've been doing the same a lot, I commonly slowly cut out games from wishlists on various platforms untill I get down to a couple I may actually spend money on. There are just too many games, you can't spend your time on all of them so best to pick one you will actually play.
Mine is O and could never understand the making of one, if I want it I buy them which is rare because the games coming here are not all that crash hot.
toxicTom: 346 and counting... o_0
459 and still not updated . :p
low rated
BreOl72: So - how about you? Do you have these "dead bodies" lying around in your wishlists?

Games, that you -for some reason- thought, you would definitely buy somedays (if the price is right, if you're in the mood for the genre, etc.), but in the end only served to artificially bloat your wishlist?

What was your highest "body count" when deleting games from your wishlist?
I myself see no need to get rid of any wishlist entries as I might buy them someday, and removing them doesn't save me any disk space/hardware resources/etc, so I do it very rarely.

Of course, my wishlist isn't that big to begin with.....
GameRager: Of course, my wishlist isn't that big to begin with.....
Careful, there be Ninjas...
low rated
GameRager: Of course, my wishlist isn't that big to begin with.....
toxicTom: Careful, there be Ninjas...
Thx again :)
What? Over 100+ games? o.o ...even like 50+ would be too much for me.
I have steady ~15 games on my wishlist since long time plus ~5 DLCs - and I still think it's too many.

My perfect wishlist would have below 10 titles but lately I do not have spare funds to buy games so it won't shrink soon.
I have a huge wishlist I know I will never complete. But it tells me that I have considered a game worthy of attention before. There is no blacklist so it helps me to weed out games. Then I have a 2nd account I made one time I was having a problem with the forums and couldn't post - some kind of bug. There I keep my REAL will-play-immediately wishlist, with maybe 8 titles. That's because we are not allowed to make lists atm so I thought it was convenient to do so. My wishlist is huge but unless something is dirty cheap or very short, as I shorten my backlog a little I will pick up games from the smaller wishlist.
In the past I have done like you, and I have actually replaced many older games with new ones in the wishlist, but the size has grown back a lot.
Post edited November 20, 2019 by Dogmaus
Fairfox: mah wishlist is where gamies go to die
Aint that true? My wishlist is gaming's equivalent of an elephant graveyard. ;)

DubConqueror: backlog is full of 'dead bodies': games I'll never play.
You know Goethe's "Two souls, alas, are dwelling in my is a games collector, the other's a gamer"?
(I'm paraphrasing, obviously (o:)
That's what made me cut the list.
The collector in me wanted all these games, no matter whether I ever gonna play them or not.
But the gamer in me said "nope! - I'm not gonna buy games of which I already know, that I won't play them, only to be able to say: 'I own them!'"

paladin181: Uh... Congratulations..?
Uh..thanks..? ;)

Lethalvriend: There are just too many games, you can't spend your time on all of them so best to pick one you will actually play.
Bingo! Exactly what I am thinking.

Tauto: Mine is O and could never understand the making of one
Well, it's a comfortable reminder of the games you once had (probably still have?) interest in.
With lots of new releases it can get hard to remember every game (you might be interested in) by its name alone.
On every sale, the wishlisted games are the first that I pick to (re-)read the game's description and the reviews and decide to buy or not to buy.

Lexor: What? Over 100+ games? o.o ...even like 50+ would be too much for me.
Well, it's easy to amass that many, if you set every game you are slightly interested in on the list, as soon as they are (announced to become) released on GOG. And then they sit there, either not released yet, or not out of development, or simply still a little too expensive...and so the list keeps growing steadily. :)

Dogmaus: I have a huge wishlist I know I will never complete. But it tells me that I have considered a game worthy of attention before.
My thoughts exactly.

Dogmaus: In the past I have done like you, and I have actually replaced many older games with new ones in the wishlist, but the size has grown back a lot.
Yeah, the wishlist is like weed. It just keeps growing and growing, even after you cut it back. ;)

Edit: fixed some typo
Post edited November 20, 2019 by BreOl72
My wishlist falls on the smaller side (~20 games at a given time). I like to keep expectations on what I am going to be able to play realistic. It used to be smaller though. But if the surprise Telltale giveaway that I missed taught me anything, it was -when in doubt, add it to the wishlist.
Screenshot shows the entirety of my wishlist.... five whole games.... lol

I will get them some day, but want to wait for them to be on sale.
capture5.jpg (84 Kb)
My gog wishlist has 17 titles (two of them are TBA), which I would play as soon as I can if I got/were gifted those games. My steam wishlist is bloated "keep an eye on" list, it contains 360 games (it used to be 500-600, but I shaved it down), it's mostly games I find interesting, but are not my priority (+ games that I really want, but they are not on gog).