toxicTom: To Rosenlaui and back this trip for us four would have cost 140 Franken (~130 €)! This insane! In the end we went by car although we would really have preferred not to. The same with the trip to Berne which would have been more than 200 Franken when going by train.
Tallima: Wow. That is expensive.
That's even worse than Amtrak in America which seems to work hard to k keep it more expensive than flying or driving.
Like most Australians, I always wanted to travel. Unlike a lot of people, I have actually travelled to many countries (more than thirty); I have lived (and ridden horses, schooled and/or worked) on three continents, so I am able to give some interesting assessments, should the need arise.
Having said that, the cost of public transport is ludicrous in the UK. For a while I lived in the Home Counties (roughly 25 miles from the London GPO, in the surrounding countryside) and a season ticket for the train was more than £3000 (which, almost twenty years ago, was nearly $Au10k —— these days it's more like $5k).
On the other hand, even with ruinous parking fees and expensive petrol, car travel was much, much less. Hence why the traffic was abysmal. (This was before Boris Johnson was Mayor. I understand the situation may have changed a bit.)
Public transport is pretty dear, here, too. The one exception seems to be the allowance for seniors to travel for less (locally they may travel free of charge).
When we were in Germany I thought the trains were sensational. I do remember we were trying to make a train (around Bremen, IIRC) and it was just arriving. My spouse (being disabled) was not moving very fast. I recall the smiling attendant, leaning out of the doorway and then … leaning back in as the train left the platform —— still smiling. :) Can't have the train waiting for a passenger, after all, since that might cause the whole timetable to be distorted!