Navagon: So I guess the moral of the story is: don't buy (downloadable content on) a closed platform.
Tormentfan: As if people will listen. :< Their compliance with this sytem hurts every gamer in the long run.
It logical but a lot of gamers just want convent easy, reliable gameage. Those close platforms really do provide a fun ride for many people. I'm fairly vocal about what I will and will not buy when it comes to my PC, but I do things on a console that would appear to violate my standards. I'm not even entirely sure why. Perhaps points don't feel like real money, or maybe I just know what I'm getting into and what I have to trade for what I get.
That being said I think its fair for people to start sending Microsoft and Sony emails asking what happens to all their downloaded games and DLC addons in 5-10 years. Unfortunately I think something nasty is going to happen before they start requiring games be made to last. And I don't just mean getting old content, I mean people should be able to play on-line after a console dies.