bengeddes: Yes, yes a thousand times yes!!
Guys, is it even possible for them to implement hardware mouse (and keyboard too while we're at it) with a patch? Or is this just fantasy?
well i dont know how they implemented it, but FFXVI has software and it took them only a few days to patch in a hardware mouse so it is possible. but they would need to change the way we interact is much of the game. they would need a new roll method for dice, a new systems for arm wrestling. beyond that i dont know the extent of other parts but i dont see if affecting them. so its doable it all just depends on if CDPR has us as a priority or the Xbox version. so far its the xbox version that has had the attention since they started building this version, in the end we are here to make a better xbox version. theres a list of things that prove me right on this, people can act blind about it and say its better they make a console version and make more money. but they have sold out where they got their start. So actually, i dont think they will patch it until they either release the xbox version/ the xbox version bombs or hell freezes over