nightcraw1er.488: In in this real news, bitcoins are not the only payment in ransomeware, used specifically for the lack of traceability? Amazing what you learn here. And this encrypted currency is necessary to buy a computer game because...? Maybe to avoid regional price or something else illegal?
Waitwhat? Buttcoins are extremely fucking traceable. The whole transaction history is public by design; coins don't exist except as functions of said transaction history. Buttcoins are used because they're
pseudonymous. I honestly don't know why governments don't mark ransom coins and fuck up everyone within their reach (e.g. exchanges) who accepts one. Coin enthusiasts do this when the community gets scammed.
OneFiercePuppy: Technically all currency is virtual currency. Even the vanishingly few currencies left that are backed by gold (EDIT: I should say metal, since I think at least one still pegs to silver) use the trading price for it, and the trading price for gold exceeded its real value a full zero ago.
No. Currency is issued and backed by a government. The US dollar, for example, is backed by the US economy and tax collection: if you want to engage in economic activities in or with the US, you need to pay and/or accept payment in US dollars. This sustains a demand for US dollars. For these reasons, the US dollar, both printed and electronic, is a currency.
The ransomware mafia is not a government, and 'coins can't be issued, only mined; it is a commodity, like gold.
OneFiercePuppy: In fact, if you knew more about BitCoin, you'd know that it's the closest thing we have to a modern gold standard economy. How's that for a mindjob?
Yes, exactly.